Posts Tagged ‘Public Service.


P3 Special

Listening in on the P3 Special on the court case. The host, Henrik Torehammar gave his side kick two bingo cards, one with arguments for file sharing and the other with arguments against. Soraya Hashim noted right away that the against card had fewer arguments.

So far they’ve had a lawyer on trying to explain what the prosecutor, HÃ¥kan did-not-finish-fith-grade Roswall, is actually trying to sue TPB for. Not really sure if anything new was said.

They also had a pretty decent history lesson on copyright, even though they skipped the parts where it was used as reasons to kill people in England.

Just leaving the studio was Cecilia Nordlund who talked about her rise as an indie artist that eventually landed her on Warner. I could almost hear the hosts jaws hit the floor when she told them that while on warner didnt earn any money from CD sales. Nor had she earned any money from CDs prior to that. All her earnings came from gigs.