Posts Tagged ‘Olde Media


DN Doesn’t Understand Particpant Culture. Confuses it with Astroturfing.

DN, a very large news paper in Sweden claims to have done some “digging” into last years blog quake surrounding the FRA law. They got a quote from Amanda Brihed, founder of Black Monday, an organization dedicated to dismantling the FRA-law, saying that she had contacts with PR agencies. This coupled with the fact had an ad funded by an anonymous donor, sets their brains ablaze. Just like Prosecutor Roswall they try to pin down a structure where there is none. In this case on the critics of the FRA-law in the blogosphere. They also elect a board of leaders consisting of the Pirate Parties PR strategists (huh?), Erik Lakomaa, Henrik Alexandersson(sv), Amada Brihed and Mikael Nilsson(sv). All on their own. Problem is it’s all hearsay and DN can offer no proof what so ever to these claims. You wight want to keep in mind that DN was openly against stepping up the coverage of the FRA-law, and that the ad was posted in their competitor SvD and cost a considerable sum of money. Also last year acting editor-in-chief Johannes Åman told a concerned reader that “we covered the issue back in 2006, it’s to late to do anything about it now, so we won’t write about it”. 

Message to DN:

Dear DN, I have seen more trolls on the Interwebz than you can possibly imagine. I spend hours every day digging through forums and I spent considerable time on various MMO-boards. I can sense incomplete stories and hoaxes from a hundred links away, as can most of your internetional readers! We’re all thinking the same thing: Screenshot or it didn’t happen!